Australia & New Zealand - State Of Mobile Networks


2019 has been a busy year for mobile networks in both New Zealand and Australia, not just with the advent of 5G networks, but also as users continue to expect more from, and do more using their mobile devices.

Within the region, there are also broader conversations about market competition and mobile pricing. A recent report from New Zealand’s Commerce Commission concluded that no fourth network was needed to improve competition in New Zealand, while the Australian regulator continues to oppose the merger of TPG and Vodafone AU on the grounds that TPG’s value as a fourth MNO in the country would be critical for maintaining market competition.
AusNZ cover

To see how the different national providers compared, Tutela gathered 83,201,021,842 measurements, including over 16 million speed tests and 215 million latency tests between April 1st and September 30th 2019. Click below to download the report in full.


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